Emergency Response Plan

Emergency Response Plan

(一) Cleanup Process

During waste transportation, our company complies with regulations by carrying documentation verifying the waste generation source and processing location. This allows us to cross-reference with the delivery slip and provides immediate access to waste characteristics in case of accidents or leaks, enabling prompt and effective emergency response measures to minimize environmental impact and damage.

In the event of an incident during transportation, the following steps will be taken:

  • Stop the vehicle.

  • If a traffic accident occurs, immediately place warning signs in front and behind the vehicle.

  • Inspect the transported waste and take necessary remedial measures.

  • Notify the police or relevant regulatory authorities.

  • Inform the company, related departments, and the waste transportation agency.

  • Await rescue or resolution of the incident, ensuring safety before continuing the transportation.


(二) Accidents or other emergencies during transportation

In the event of a disaster that disrupts normal waste removal operations, our company will enhance operations by increasing manpower and equipment as necessary. We will arrange for waste transportation based on the specific circumstances or follow the provisions of Article 24 of the "Regulations Governing the Management of Permits for Public and Private Waste Collection and Treatment Institutions," which states, "For waste that has been collected or treated but not yet completed, the company shall handle it according to the instructions of the competent authorities of the municipality or county (city), and all associated costs will be borne by the collection, treatment, or cleaning institution."


(三) When the business is closed or the treatment plant is unable to operate

We will follow the provisions of Article 24 of the "Regulations Governing the Management of Permits for Public and Private Waste Collection and Treatment Institutions," which states, "For waste that has been collected or treated but not yet completed, the company shall handle it according to the instructions of the competent authorities of the municipality or county (city), and all associated costs will be borne by the collection, treatment, or cleaning institution." Alternatively, we may handle the situation based on Article 17, which states, "The company shall handle the waste removal and treatment independently."