Taiwan Lithium Battery Resources Industry Association was established

Taiwan Lithium Battery Resources Industry Association was established

The Taiwan Lithium Battery Resources Industry Association was established on the 10th, with Mingfu Group Chairman Chen Fusong (fourth from the left) calling for its formation. The first chairman is Chen Yijie (second from the left), vice chairman of Mingfu's subsidiary Mingren Resources. (Photo provided by Industrial Technology Research Institute)


Driven by the surging demand for electric vehicles, power lithium batteries have also become a crucial component in energy storage systems. To ensure a more complete economic circular supply chain for lithium batteries in Taiwan, the country's first association dedicated to lithium battery recycling was officially launched today (October 10th). Led by Mingfu Group, the largest scrap car recycling company in Taiwan, the association brings together upstream, midstream, and downstream players in the industry to build a circular economy ecosystem for lithium batteries. This initiative aims to give Taiwan technological leadership in power battery recycling and integrate it into the global landscape.


Established in 1976, Mingfu Group is the largest scrap car processing and recycling plant in Taiwan. Through investments, it controls various recycling businesses across the country, including Jinliancheng (specializing in lead-acid batteries, preparing for over-the-counter listing), Da Nanfang (focusing on refrigerators, televisions, and household appliances), and Lianfu (engaged in general resource recycling). The group's annual revenue is estimated to reach tens of billions of NT dollars. Mingfu Group founder Chen Fusong stated at the alliance's founding press conference today that the group had already invested in lithium battery recycling technology over five years ago. This initiative was primarily carried out through an industry-academia collaboration with National Sun Yat-sen University, with its subsidiary Mingren Resources taking the lead in planning. They have chosen to establish a wet dissolution method for lithium battery precious metal extraction in Tainan's Madou district. Once this business is operational, it will perfectly complement the front and back-end processes of a complete lithium battery recycling service. Fang Jiazhen, a researcher at the Materials and Chemical Research Laboratories (MCRL) of the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), also told attendees at the press conference that international investment in lithium battery recycling has become very active. Notably, Chinese company GEM is building a massive production capacity for power battery recycling. Umicore, based in Belgium, is also actively building the world's largest battery recycling facility. Taiwan's lithium battery industry has been developing for years, with a complete supply chain. It has a legitimate opportunity to fill the final piece of the puzzle in battery recycling technology.


With Mingfu Group's rallying call, the establishment of the "Taiwan Lithium Battery Resources Industry Association" aims to facilitate resource integration among industry players. The press conference also announced that Chen Yijie, vice chairman of Mingfu Group's subsidiary Mingren Resources, will serve as the association's chairman. Currently, the association boasts approximately 30 member companies with over 100 members. Aside from Mingfu Group's Mingren Resources, prominent members include Meichima, Rongtan Technology, Lianyou Energy, Guangze Technology, Chuli Technology, academic institutions like National Cheng Kung University, Taipei University of Technology, National University of Tainan, Waseda University (Japan), University of Southern California (USA), University of Melbourne (Australia), research institutes (such as ITRI), and individual members.

Source: Mirror Media Reporthttps://www.mirrormedia.mg/story/20230310ind001/