【Company visit】Wishes Technology Corporation

【Company visit】Wishes Technology Corporation

The Taiwan Lithium Battery Resource Industry Association held its annual company visit on January 10, 2024. Led by Chairwoman Chen Yi-jie, members of the association visited Chu Li Technology Co., Ltd. in Changhua. The company's team has developed a groundbreaking recycling technology for waste lithium batteries that is not only cost-effective but also environmentally friendly, non-toxic, and pollution-free. Their waste lithium battery recycling and wastewater reuse technology has consistently received gold medals at international invention exhibitions.

As the association's Supervisory Chairman, Chen Wenxian, also serves as the Chairman of Chu Li Technology, the company generously opened its factory for the visit, providing a warm welcome and sharing their expertise. During the visit, attendees actively engaged in lively discussions on industry development, specialized technologies, and future government regulations, leaving everyone feeling enriched and inspired. The visit provided a valuable opportunity for the attendees to gain insights into the industry and its future.